Experience healing while you listen...

Quickly & Easily Dissolve Emotional Blocks to Health, Wealth and Happiness.


  • Why you're attracted to certain people and activities
  • Why painful wounds build upon each other
  • Why you heal in layers
  • Why you experiene the same issue over and over
  • How to meet your spiritual Healing Team  

How to Release Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Pain

7 Video Series of Healing

Experience Healing in Each Video

Claim Your Healing NOW!

Dr. Cathy Chapman, former Catholic Sister and current metaphysical teacher, introduces you to the healing power of Encodements, your smallest energy structures.

Video 1: Encodements Rule Life

Why are you attracted to certain people and activities? In this video you'll discover how Encodements make up everything, and I do mean everything, you see and experience.

Video 2: Natural Encodements

There are two primary types of Encodements. Discover Natural Encodements, those created for you by the Encodement Technicians before you were born.

Video 3: Artificial Encodements

Artificial Encodments, those not "natural" to you, interfere with you being who you are. They make life more difficult. Learn how to easily remove them.

Video 4: Healing Is in Layers

Why does healing take so long? Learn how painful wounds build upon each other and what to do about it. 

Video 5: Meet Your Personal Encodement Team

Your Healing Team works with Encodements as you heal. Meet your own Encodement Team.

Video 6: Healing Other Lifetimes

Some wounds trigger the pain from other lifetimes. You can release and balance pain from past, present and future lifetimes.

Video 7: Group Encodement Intensives

Explore the power of group healing. Group Encodement Intensives access the power of group energy to facilitate healing for all participants. 

Claim all 7 videos below